Friday, 2 August 2013

Thir Kar Baiso Har Jan pyare

Thir kar baiso har jan pyaare
Remain steady in the home of your own self, O beloved servant of the Lord.

Satgur tumre kaaj savare
The True Guru shall resolve all your affairs.

Dusht doot parmeshar maare
The Transcendent Lord has struck down the wicked and the evil

Jan ki paij rakhi kartaare

The Creator has preserved the honor of His servant. |

Baadshah sah sabh vas kar deene
The kings and emperors are all under his power

Amrit naam maha ras peene
he drinks deeply of the most sublime essence of the Ambrosial Naam

Nirbhau hoye bhajo bhagwan
Meditate fearlessly on the Lord God

Saadh-sangat mil keeno daan
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, this gift is given

Saran pare prabh antarjaami
Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of God, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts

Nanak ot pakri prabh suami
he grasps the Support of God, his Lord and Master.